Enhance your brand experience with attractive hotel deals

Are you looking for an original way to increase both customer and employee retention? With Yuno.travel, you add experience to your brand by offering discounted hotel stays to your target group. With our global offering, we can make any selection to suit your identity. This enables you to offer an interesting benefit, promoting a lifestyle that seamlessly matches your brand story.

A hotel offering that enhances the experience of your brand.

Whatever the look and feel of your product or service, together we can specify and tailor the hotel selection to match. By offering hotels that represent your proposition, you build a stronger brand that people want to identify with.

More touch points and dates.

We offer a complete booking system, integrated into your own website, app and socials, completely dressed in your brand style. Clients log into your own existing environment, or a new environment to be built. This ensures more target group interaction with your brand. At the same time, you receive additional data that you can use for further customisation of communications.

"With the platform that Yuno.travel created for us, we offer special benefits to our 12 million premium cardholders."

Colleen O’Sullivan, Director, Premium Product & CVP Visa Europe

"The booking module allows us to offer handpicked hotels worldwide in addition to our own portfolio."

Pauline Verhoef, Director, QL Hotels

Loyalty revenue instead of marketing costs.

A hotel incentive gives your target group a chance to benefit from a more competitive price for overnight stays. And you also generate direct revenue! We purchase the hotel rooms at wholesale rates at an average discount of 10%. Half of this is your client's benefit, the other half is our revenue. Your company receives 25% of this amount. That way, your customers' loyalty earns you money directly. This system is a wonderful win-win-win situation.
Een prachtige win-win-win situatie dus.

Why Yuno.travel?

Increase the perception of your brand
• Distinguish yourself from your competition
• Have more touch points with your target group
• Get more data and insights
• Discounts for your customers, revenue for your business

A customised concept.

With our platform and our hospitality & travel partnerships, we offer a world of opportunities. This way, we can help you strengthen your brand. You can make use of our range of attractive hotel accommodations, and add dining and attractions. Based on your needs, we are happy to give you input on building a unique travel proposition.
Denk daarbij niet alleen aan een aanbod van aantrekkelijke hotelovernachtingen, maar ook diners en attracties. Op basis van jouw wensen denken we graag met je mee over een unieke reispropositie

Our customers

"Thanks to the added value of Yuno.travel, we realised a higher NPS among our members."

Patricia Freije, Commercial Manager Premium Services, Privium Schiphol

Would you like to know more about what we can do for your brand?

We are happy to help strengthen your image, encourage loyalty and generate additional revenue. Contact us right away for a no-obligations introduction and demo.

Yuno.travel. When Travel Enriches Brands